Business Intelligence & Digital Transformation
Business Intelligence Services (BI) combining business analytics, data mining, data visualization, data tools and infrastructure, resourcing and best practices to help organizations make more data-driven decisions.
Human Touch
Passionately Resolute
Broad Capability
Global Experience
Multi Language Support
Value Added
We offer a number of BI and Digital Transformation services and solutions, including resourcing, mentoring and more.
Artificial Intelligence
We work to set expectations, ensuring that your products and services are more than a set of resources, but a collection of data that well understood will impact the business with greater flexibility and better planning.
AI will add real value to your business in a simple and intelligent way.
▻ Descriptive Analytics
▻ Humanlike AI Chatbots
▻ Predictive Analytics
▻ Integrated AI Solutions
Blockchain technology was initially thoughtoff and introduced to disrupt the financial sector. Many financial institutes and banks have since leveraged blockchain to make transactions more secure and remove intermediaries.
But blockchain technology is not only restricted to the finance sector. From automobile to retail, healthcare, manufacturing and travel, every industry is investing in blockchain to gain and share its benefits.
Blockchain technology offers many benefits, including transparency and traceability of transactions. This can allow companies to create more captivating loyalty and rewards programs and help realize the full value of these customer loyalty programs.
Feel free to drop us a note and ask a question about this service. Else visit the dedicated Blockchain Development info page. Thank you!
Data Science
Using our own algorithms, we accurately discover an company’s weaknesses and strengths, using the power of existing data in its own databases.
We analyze the browsing history of any system (event log), that is, the “clicks” that were made by all users and we map what, who, when, where and how long each activity of a process took with accurate measurements: in any department or business unit and in all sectors of your organization.
Better KPI’s, faster and better informed decisions.
A game changer for your business!
▻ Business Intelligence (BI)
▻ Custom Development
▻ Data Governance
▻ Process Mining
▻ Geoshape Provisioning
▻ Digital Transformation
Feel free to drop us a note and ask a question about this service. Else visit our dedicated Data Science info page. Thank you!
We offer a custom-made executive search service for more senior roles across the IT Industry; equally skilled to search for less senior roles and IT technical personnel.
Through our global connections and deep understanding of individual industries, we are able to seek out and recruit highly qualified candidates for senior-level and executive jobs across the public and private sectors.
As Headhunters our focus is always on the Role first and then scout the right candidate for the client.
Right-fit is crucial for any position is crucial, but even more important for higher level positions. We understand its impact, work hard to make the experience as simple, transparent and fluid as possible.
An excellent communication is key, a successful final with a happy client and the new Candidate excited about his role and career.
▻ Business Development
▻ Retained Services
▻ Recruiting
▻ Intense Research
Feel free to drop us a note and ask a question about this service. Else visit the dedicated Headhunting info page. Thank you!
The Nearshore service is the easiest way for a company to expand its team remotely, have higher scalability and stay competitive.
Companies are also turning more and more to offshore software development to reduce overhead and labor costs.
Many refer to Nearshore as a team extension for IT resources, where you don’t have to hire in-house and worry about resources, your focus should be on the core value of the product.
Nearshore is almost like having an in-house team with a difference that in most of the cases they are an offshore/nearshore team.
In some of the cases, you will manage the work that the extension team is doing, but you don’t have to care about the hiring costs, paperwork, social benefits, training or even equipment.
Nearshore can be a game changer for your business!
▻ Projects On Demand
▻ IT Outsourcing
▻ Sales And Marketing
▻ Graphics And Web Design
▻ Multimedia And Animation
▻ Social Media
▻ IT Outsourcing
▻ Mobile Apps Development
▻ Cloud
The Outsourcing service is the easiest way for a company to expand its team, have greater scalability and remain competitive.
We know how difficult it can be to find good resources in specific tools. The lack of appropriate resources means that a company may leave or loose good business opportunities.
With our structure, combined with the proximity we have to professionals, namely the expertise in the Brazilian market, where there is a large supply of labor, we are able to meet this growing demand in a fast and effective way.
▻ Web Outsourcing
▻ IT Outsourcing
▻ Sales And Marketing
▻ Graphics And Web Design
▻ Multimedia And Animation
▻ Social Media
▻ IT Outsourcing
▻ Mobile Apps Development
▻ Cloud
Request More Information
Interested in knowing more about our company and services? Fantastic.
Send us your name and email, one of our team members will get back to you promptly, answer any questions you may have, share the breath of services we offer, share the love and commitment we have to deliver timely and of the highest quality.
Human Touch
Smiling and being friendly is so important.
“People have forgotten what the human touch is, what it is to smile, for somebody to smile at them, somebody to recognize them, somebody to wish them well. The terrible thing is to be unwanted.”
– Mother Teresa –
We are open, friendly and responsive!
We are driven by passion, seized by obsession, delighted by creation, enthralled with expression, entranced by vision, diverted by daydreams, filled with emotion, fueled by compulsion, consumed with beauty, and blindsided by inspiration.
Welcome to our minds!
We are a young and vigorous team with broad expertise and global experience.
We draw on this broad expertise to accentuate and add value to the range of services we offer in the relevant friends we cover, i.e. Business Intelligence and driving Digital Transformation.
We cover areas such artificial intelligence, cyber security, business and data analysis, reporting, team leading, project management, DB experts, business, data, and enterprise architecture, general, web, and application development, business and personal coaching, cloud, sales and marketing, financial, HR, and more.
Our top echelon has practical IT experience of living and working in various countries around the world, such as Portugal, Brazil, South Africa, United States, UK, Germany, Netherlands, Belgium, Switzerland, Oman, Hong Kong, Singapore, Taipei, among others.
This global experience allows us to be more flexible, faster at adapting and delivering.
Multi Language Support
All our support is offered in English and Portuguese.
We offer limited support in Spanish, French, German and Dutch.
Why Us?
Your company needs to remain competitive, ensuring that resources and business processes are collaborating effectively, reducing costs and improving the quality and delivery of the business.
Our focus is to help you discover opportunities and overcome challenges with your resources, projects, solutions and business operations.
We have the know-how and experience to help identify critical problems and solve them, improving the difference between company, people, processes and technology.
Why Scorpion Circle? Because your passion is our passion!

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