Driving Innovation
Data Science Services
The benefits of Data Science are many to share, such as increasing a business prectictability, ensuring real-time intelligence, favors marketing and sales areas, improving data security, helping interpret complex data, and finally facilitating the decision-making process.
Human Touch
Passionately Resolute
Broad Capability
Global Experience
Multi Language Support
Added Value
Achieve double-digit gains in process performance improvement, customer satisfaction, cost savings and increased profitability.
Data Science Services

Using our own algorithms, we accurately discover an company’s weaknesses and strengths, using the power of existing data in its own databases.
We analyze the browsing history of any system (event log), that is, the “clicks” that were made by all users and we map what, who, when, where and how long each activity of a process took with accurate measurements: in any department or business unit and in all sectors of your organization.
Better KPI’s, faster and better informed decisions.
A game changer for your business!
Business Intelligence (BI)
We work using a mix of Business Intelligence (BI) and Business Analysis (BA), using an inclusion of both concepts in a business management plan; BI would precede BA in the flow between defining performance indicators and then in the decision-making process.
Our studies carried out through BI allow the construction of dashboards with historical, collected or natural information, statistics, data extrapolations, etc.
“BI uses information from the past to understand the present”
While BI manages to analyze the company’s current situation, BA is in charge of using this analysis to predict the future. Both work to help companies make better decisions, so it makes sense to always use them together.
BA complements BI with its predictive statistics capabilities and makes data usage techniques smarter and smarter. Thus, managers are able to make better decisions for the benefit of the organization.
BI collects and measures business data and creates reports that BA will analyze in detail, using statistics and market scenarios to better understand why and where the company is, in relation to its competitors, in addition to suggesting what should be made to better position yourself.
“BA uses information from the past and present to predict the future”
The information produced by both disciplines can be demonstrated in different ways, from iterative or non-interactive control panels, management reports, connections to the business management systems (through API’s) and so on.

Process Mining
Process Mining is the data science tool that is revolutionizing process management in all sectors; applicable to any organization anywhere in the world.
Instead of conducting a never ending long and time-consuming study of processes, with endless interviews and investigations, process mining uses navigation data from your computer systems (i.e. event logs) to precisely reveal how the activities of a process actually take place.
Its all about finding out the facts based on the data. With Process Mining it’s possible to discover, monitor and improve processes in a unique and more precise way.
We help expose the pains in traditional process management projects and the cures that Process Mining brings, demonstrating the benefits and value-offer of moving from traditional management to the data-based paradigm.
Process Analysis and Improvement Projects arise, which, in essence, identify and seek to point out moments and places where teams, procedures and technology can be improved.
This type of project is usually developed in three large groups:
Step 1 • Data collection, transformation and generation of information for analysis;
Step 2 • Development of the “photograph” of the current moment, with a description of the critical points
Stage 3 • Production of improvement implementation suggestions
We are able to generate maps and visualizations that accurately reveal how processes actually took place within your company.
Through system navigation data – which are already inside the company, but not used – we are able to obtain data from ALL team members, in ANY process journey, during the TIME period necessary to understand the situation (AS IS ), without interrupting a single minute of system participants.
Without any kind of direct contact with the players in the information systems that support the business – expectations are not generated, entropy, wear and tear are not created, nor is the work time of the teams taken up.
And the data: the actual reality. Absolutely everything that was actually done (up to the minute) throughout the company – during the selected period of time.
We produce Iterative Maps that visually demonstrate ongoing activities, bottlenecks, dead times, paths taken, etc.
It is important to emphasize that the work is always done within GDPR regulations and respecting all privacy and data security issues. This information is anonymized and worked on at departmental levels in order to respect the privacy of individuals.
Data Governance
Data Governance is a framework that encompasses the people, processes and information technologies necessary to create responsible and coherent handling of a company’s data; consisting of organizing all the ways to store, handle and manage its own data so that each individual fulfills their function to the most effective manner and timing.
Our ultimate goal of data governance is to treat data as a major asset, have best ability to know how to convert it into critical business information, with a data governance framework, which serves as guidelines for the exercise of designing, controlling and monitoring everything related to data, in a holistic way. It is vital that there is a centralized data system capable of integrating the various data generating sectors of a company.
Why is it necessary to implement data governance?
What usually happens is the emergence of isolated islands of information within the organization, generating a lack of consistency in decision making. That is, departments and managers have different data and impressions on the same subject, or even different versions of the same data, which generates not only difficulties in deciding and managing, but an additional difficulty in communication, since there is no unit and consistency in the basis of decisions.
With the effective implementation of data governance, it is possible to align the business divisions with the IT, be aligned with the security regulations of the GDPR (General Data Protection Regulation), and establish the information access flows, in other words, , that chaos is not created every time you need to know something, that it is structured, that you know how to access it efficiently and effectively.
The four aspects that must be observed regarding the data, when starting the governance implementation process, are:
Integrity: the data must be valid, it cannot be corrupted. For this, the generation of data must be of reliable and legitimate origin, and cannot be damaged or misconfigured in such a way as to render the analyzes performed unusable, and it needs due care so that it does not become corrupted, which involves monitoring.
Availability: The data must be handled responsibly, therefore, it must be defined where it will be stored and to whom it will be available, who has the access key, who owns the database, who acts on it, who permissions exist (access, editing, comments…) and when access ends.
Usability: It’s no use having a lot of data without the ability to use it. It is not enough to just create a datawarehouse and not give it a purpose. The goals must be in mind when designing the systems and obtaining the data. You cannot make the leap to the data paradigm just to “participate in the future”, data must fulfill a function, a purpose.
Security: it is necessary that systems and data follow security measures for data protection and also compliance with data laws. Respect and care for private people, information sharing and publicity is necessary.
There are clearly more principles, practices and specific technical apparatus to implement governance, however, in short, everything should aim to reduce costs by complying with regulations and preserving privacy, in addition to making the data really comply with its function efficiently, and are not just something taking up space in some system’s memory.
We will work with you to safely automate the production and distribution of data and information, detect customer needs, make informed decisions, manage the efficiency of workers, detect problems in advance and minimize any types of operational friction, as standard processes will be built which ensured transparency in proceeding with data and decisions.
Custom Development
Work with our team to overhaul outdated, underperforming systems, or build brand new solutions, starting by identifying your overarching goals: how are you trying to improve delivery of your services or add capabilities to expand your customer base. Then we break down the goals of individuals and business partners who make up your user base. We assess your existing technology, thinking beyond lift and shift options, and reimagine then build the modern hi-tec web-based solution needed.
Importantly – your customers include your employees, too. These internal users expect the tools and technology tailored to run the unique aspect of your business. We help build the mission-critical systems that allow both small teams and large varied workforces to coordinate their processes, view the most relevant data and keep the business running smoothly.
In all cases, your own customer needs, and therefore your offerings, will change over time. We’ll help establish an agile process along with designing and architecting with an eye to the future, building patterns and heuristics that will make it easier to continue to enhance the system over time.
Our full product development services approach further elevates custom development to help you see the solutions you’re building the products that enable you to compete in the market and drive revenue through ongoing investment in user experience, experimentation, and prototyping, with an iterative mindset.
We do this all of this by partnering with you with a thoughtful approach:
Understand & plan:
- Solidify the business, technical, and UX vision
- Identify the right-sized delivery strategy
- Select the right tools and frameworks
Build & test:
- Execute against the plan with high quality and laser focus on the initial goal
- Integrate Client agile teams with transparent communication
- Scale up as directions is set and parallel work streams can be supported
- Increase velocity through improved processes and industry providing best practices and tools
Launch & support:
- Strategize deployment (pilot, beta, user segment, etc.) and release
- Consider migration and change management
- Address issues and feedback, enhancing and optimizing
Enable & transition:
- Share knowledge and skills support resources throughout development
- Transfer to Client Support Teams
Iterate & evolve:
- Learn from experience and continue steps from the build & test stage for optimization
Your success is our success; that’s why we focus on quickly learning your business and unique challenges, using this understanding to lay the foundation to collaborate and pick the right tools to get you where you want to be.
We manage the engagement, taking accountability and bringing transparent, timely communication to avoid surprises and mitigate project risks.
And we’re flexible, either fitting in within your Agile methodology or following ours; can work remote, or with co-located teams.
Geospatial Shapes (global)
We will soon make available a new site/service where users can download geospatial shapes for any location with ease, and in many formats such as Google Earth compatible files (KMV’s), CSV’s and more.
Currently its only available through NASA or the European Space Agency; and at a much higher cost.
New site will offer number of free and paid packages.
More soon…
Digital Transformation
We believe that innovation, transformation and leadership occur in many ways. Our focus and ability to help solve clients’ most complex issues is distinct. We deliver strategy and implementation, from a business and technology view, to help you lead in the markets where you compete.
Consulting purposes:
- Providing information to a client
- Solving a client’s problems
- Making a diagnosis, which may necessitate redefinition of the problem
- Making recommendations based on the diagnosis
- Assisting with implementation of recommended solutions.
- Building a consensus and commitment around corrective action
- Facilitating client learning—that is, teaching clients how to resolve similar problems in the future.
- Permanently improving organizational effectiveness.
There are three main reasons companies decide to bring in external advice:
- They are simply unable to figure it out or get to their desired state on their own.
- They have a general idea, but they want to get there faster
- They want to save time and effort by following an efficient, proven system
Our mission is to help you and your enterprise unlock the Digital Future, with all its foreseen benefits.
Request More Information
Interested in knowing more about our company and our Data Science Services? Fantastic.
Send us your name and email, one of our team members will get back to you promptly, answer any questions you may have, share the breath of services we offer, share the love and commitment we have to deliver timely and of the highest quality.
Why Us?
Human Touch
Smiling and being friendly is so important.
“People have forgotten what the human touch is, what it is to smile, for somebody to smile at them, somebody to recognize them, somebody to wish them well. The terrible thing is to be unwanted.”
– Mother Teresa –
We are open, friendly and responsive!
Passionately Resolute
We are driven by passion, seized by obsession, delighted by creation, enthralled with expression, entranced by vision, diverted by daydreams, filled with emotion, fueled by compulsion, consumed with beauty, and blindsided by inspiration.
Welcome to our minds!
Broad Capability
We are a young and vigorous team with broad expertise and global experience.
We draw on this broad expertise to accentuate and add value to the range of services we offer in the relevant friends we cover, i.e. Business Intelligence and driving Digital Transformation.
We cover areas such artificial intelligence, cyber security, business and data analysis, reporting, team leading, project management, DB experts, business, data, and enterprise architecture, general, web, and application development, business and personal coaching, cloud, sales and marketing, financial, HR, and more.
Global Experience
Our top echelon has practical IT experience of living and working in various countries around the world, such as Portugal, Brazil, South Africa, United States, UK, Germany, Netherlands, Belgium, Switzerland, Oman, Hong Kong, Singapore, Taipei, among others.
This global experience allows us to be more flexible, faster at adapting and delivering.
Multi Language Support
All our support is offered in English and Portuguese.
We offer limited support in Spanish, French, German and Dutch.
Our focus is helping you uncover opportunities and overcome challenges within your resourcing, projects, solutions and business operations.
We have the know-how to help pinpoint critical issues and address them through improving the gap between company, people, processes and technology.
Why Scorpion Circle? Because your passion is our passion!

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