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Candidate Portal



Human Touch

Equal Opportunity

Many Benefits Offered

Global Experience

Multi Language Support

Please add your details below:

Basic Info

First Name: *
Last Name: *
Email: *
Birth (dd-mm-yyyy): *
Mobile: *
Birth Country: *
Citizenship Country:
Gender: *
Marital Status: *

Add your professional skills i.e. Java; Springboot; .Net

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Experience Details

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Educational Details

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Certification Details

Address Information

City: *
Country: *

Hiring Detail

Intended Position:
Net Salary Expectation (days):
Availability In loco (days): *
Availability Remote (days): *
Passport: *
Degree Documentation:


Contact by E-mail:
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You Make a Difference

Human Touch
Smiling and being friendly is so important.

“People have forgotten what the human touch is, what it is to smile, for somebody to smile at them, somebody to recognize them, somebody to wish them well. The terrible thing is to be unwanted.”

– Mother Teresa –

We are open, friendly and responsive!

Equal Opportunity
We believe in equal opportunity and diversity, treating people fairly and without bias while creating conditions in the workplace and wider society that encourage and value diversity and promote dignity. We understand, value and work hard to effectively manage each individual, resulting in greater participation that can be leveraged for success at an individual, team and organisational level.
Many Benefits Offered
Our people are important to us, below some of the benefits we offer:

  • Career Coach Management
  • Relocation Management
  • Financial/Tax Advise and Guidance
  • Monthly Food Allowance
  • IT Equipment Is Provided
  • Private Health Insurance
  • Personal Accident Insurance
Global Experience
Our top echelon has pratical IT experience of living and working in various countries around the world, such as Portugal, Brazil, South Africa, United States, UK, Germany, Netherlands, Belgium, Switzerland, Oman, Hong Kong, Singapore, Taipei, among others.

This global experience allows us to be more flexible, faster at adapting and delivering.

Multi Language Support
All our support is offered in English and Portuguese.

We offer limited support in Spanish, French, German and Dutch.

Our company needs to be innovative to remain competitive, as Team Members we all need to ensure our resources and business processes are collaborating effectively, helping to reduce costs whilst improving the quality and delivery of the services and solutions we offer to the market at large.

When you joined our team, you became part of a culture where clients and the team’s well-being is at the heart of everything we do; believing that happy, motivated Team Members provide a better service to our clients.

Whatever your role in our company, we want you as a Team Member to feel valued and rewarded. We fully recognise the value of a healthy work-life balance, always try to be flexible; helping you fit your professional goals around your personal life.

Stay Ahead

Call Us


(+351) 244-851-073



8am – 6pm

São Paulo

Av. Paulista, 171

  +55 11 4210 4556

Laguna Beach

South Coast Highway, 1968

 +1 949 516 9090